
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package org.hfbk.vis;
00003 import;
00004 import;
00005 import;
00006 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
00007 import java.util.HashMap;
00008 import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
00009 import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
00059 public class Prefs implements Cloneable{
00060         static HashMap<String,String> help=new HashMap<String,String>();        
00063         public boolean log, osk, udp, map, verbose, sound, debug;
00064         public String 
00065                 version,
00066                 user="anonymous", 
00067                 baseURL="", 
00068                 baseURLs=";;", 
00069                 sources="google,wikipedia,mix,googleNews,googleImages,flickr,commonImages,ebayImages,youtube,blaster,spider",
00070                 language="en,es,de,fr",
00071                 routes="function poti1(value){client.timescale=value/0x3FF*4;} function poti3(value){client.mouseViewpoint.tfov=value/0x3FF*4;} function poti4(value){var q=(1-value/0x3FF)*3; glutil.backgroundcolor.set(q,q,q);}",
00072                 suffixesImage="jpeg|jpg|gif|png",     
00073                 suffixesAudio="mp3|wav|aiff",
00074                 suffixesVideo="mpeg|mpg|avi|mov|rm|wmv|asf|rm|swf",
00075                 init="",
00076                 screenshotdir=".",
00077                 watchdir="",
00078                 font="Sans Serif";
00079         public int      
00080                 maxTextLength=10000,
00081                 logCount  = 1000,
00082                 logUpdate = 60000, // once per minute
00083                 timeout=30000,
00084                 servertimeout=2000,
00085                 automate=0,
00086                 detail=3,
00087                 thumbpixels=300000;
00088         public boolean autoFocus=true, direct=true, update=true, screenshotupload=false;
00090         static{
00091                 help.put("log", "log queries to the vis server");
00092                 help.put("osk", "use the onscreen keyboard");
00093                 help.put("udp", "use udp for external communication");
00094                 help.put("map", "use the birds eye view");
00095                 help.put("verbose", "output debug messages");
00096                 help.put("sound", "use sound");
00097                 help.put("debug", "use 3d debugging geometries");
00099                 help.put("user", "your name for logging"); 
00100                 help.put("baseURL","vis/server currently in use");
00101                 help.put("baseURLs","vis/servers to use"); 
00102                 help.put("sources","sources to show in source popup menu");
00103                 help.put("language","preferred language in two chars coding");
00104                 help.put("routes","javascript functions called on\nkeystrokes or external input");
00105                 help.put("suffixesImage","filetypes to be displayed as images");     
00106                 help.put("suffixesAudio","filetypes to be played as audio");
00107                 help.put("suffixesVideo","filetypes to be played as video panels");
00108                 help.put("init","javascript executed on start and reset");
00109                 help.put("screenshotdir","directory to store your screenshots in");
00110                 help.put("watchdir","directory to always show in space");
00111                 help.put("font","preferred fancy font to use");
00113                 /*help.put("maxTextLength","number of letter text is trimmed to");
00114                 help.put("logCount", "amount of log balls to show");
00115                 help.put("logUpdate", "milliseconds between log updates"); 
00116                 help.put("timeout", "milliseconds till a web fetch is declared failed");
00117                 help.put("servertimeout","milliseconds to wait for vis servers to qualify");
00118                 help.put("automate","percent of word wide vis traffic we should replicate");
00119                 help.put("detail","level of geometry detail (1-4)");
00121                 help.put("autoFocus","put the caret to source field on typing if enabled");
00122                 help.put("direct","fetch some web sites directly without vis/server if enabled");
00123                 help.put("update","allow client to update itself from the server");
00124                 help.put("screenshotupload","if screenshots should be made public");*/
00126                 help.put("maxTextLength","size limit for text panels");
00127                 help.put("logCount", "number of log entries to fetch");
00128                 help.put("logUpdate", "time in mS until next log update"); 
00129                 help.put("timeout", "general query timeout");
00130                 help.put("servertimeout","timeout in mS for startup server check");
00131                 help.put("automate","percentage of log following");
00132                 help.put("detail","geometry detail level (1-4)");
00133                 help.put("thumbpixels","max thumbnail pixels");
00135                 help.put("autoFocus","put the caret to source field on typing if enabled");
00136                 help.put("direct","use direct connections to sources");
00137                 help.put("update","load source definitions from vis server");
00138                 help.put("screenshotupload","automatically upload / contribute screenshots to vis server");
00139         }
00141         static Preferences prefsnode = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(VisClient.class);
00143         static public Prefs current=new Prefs(true);
00144         static public Prefs defaults=new Prefs(false);
00147         static void addShutdownHook(){
00148                 Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( 
00149                         new Thread() {
00150                                 public void run() {
00151                               ;
00152                                 }
00153                         }
00154                 );
00155         }
00157         public Prefs(boolean loadFromUser) {
00158                 if (loadFromUser) load();
00159         }
00164         void load() {
00165                 try {
00166                         for (Field f : getClass().getFields()) { //for all public fields of this class
00167                                 String name=f.getName();
00168                                 Object value = f.get(this);
00169                                 Class type=f.getType();
00171                                 if (type == Boolean.TYPE)
00172                                         f.set(this, prefsnode.getBoolean(name, (Boolean)value));
00173                                 else if (type == Integer.TYPE)
00174                                         f.set(this, prefsnode.getInt(name, (Integer)value));                            
00175                                 else if (type == String.class)
00176                                         f.set(this, prefsnode.get(name, (String)value));
00177                         }
00178                 } catch (Exception e) {
00179                         throw new RuntimeException("Prefs:",e);
00180                 }
00181                 version=getVersion();
00182         }
00187         void save() {
00188                 try {
00189                         for (Field f : getClass().getFields()) { //for all public fields of this class
00190                                 String name=f.getName();
00191                                 Object value = f.get(this);
00192                                 Class type=f.getType();
00194                                 if (type == Boolean.TYPE)
00195                                         prefsnode.putBoolean(name, (Boolean)value);                                     
00196                                 else if (type == Integer.TYPE)
00197                                         prefsnode.putInt(name, (Integer)value);                         
00198                                 else if (type == String.class)
00199                                         prefsnode.put(name, (value!=null ? (String)value : ""));                                
00200                         }
00201                         prefsnode.flush(); //actually store prefs.
00202                         System.out.println("Prefs saved.");
00203                 } catch (Exception e) {
00204                         throw new RuntimeException(e);
00205                 }
00206         }
00214         public static void main(String[] args) {
00215                 if (args.length>0 && args[0].equals("--remove")) {
00216                         try {
00217                                 prefsnode.removeNode();
00218                         } catch (BackingStoreException e) {     throw new RuntimeException (e); }
00219                         System.out.println("User Settings cleared.");
00220                 }else{
00221                         current.load();
00222                         addShutdownHook();
00223                         new PrefsDialog();
00224                 }
00225         }
00227         public Prefs clone() {
00228                 try {
00229                         return (Prefs)super.clone();
00230                 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
00231                         throw new RuntimeException (e);
00232                 }
00233         }
00239         public void parse(String[] args) throws Exception {
00240                 for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
00241                         String key = args[i], value = args[i + 1];
00242                         Field f=getClass().getField(key);
00243                         if (f.getType()==Integer.TYPE)
00244                                 f.setInt(this, Integer.parseInt(value));
00245                         else if (f.getType()==Boolean.TYPE)
00246                                 f.setBoolean(this, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
00247                         else if (f.getType()==String.class)
00248                                 f.set(this, value);
00249                 }       
00250         }
00252         static String getVersion(){
00253                 try { 
00254                         File svn=new File(".svn/entries");
00255                         if (svn.exists()){
00256                                 BufferedReader r= new BufferedReader(new FileReader(svn));
00257                                 r.readLine();r.readLine();r.readLine();
00258                                 return r.readLine();
00259                         }else                           
00260                                 return new BufferedReader(new FileReader("version.txt")).readLine();
00262                 } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Cannot read version file!"); }
00263                 return "Unknown";
00264         }
00266 /*      public void setParams(VisClientApplet applet) throws NumberFormatException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
00267                 List<String> args=new ArrayList<String>();
00268                 for (Field f: Prefs.class.getFields()){
00269                         String key=f.getName();
00270                         String value=applet.getParameter(key);
00271                         if (value!=null){
00272                                 if (f.getType()==Integer.TYPE)
00273                                         f.setInt(this, Integer.parseInt(value));
00274                                 else if (f.getType()==Boolean.TYPE)
00275                                         f.setBoolean(this, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
00276                                 else if (f.getType()==String.class)
00277                                         f.set(this, value);             
00278                         }                                       
00279                 }       
00280         }*/
00281 }

Generated on Tue Apr 7 17:57:20 2009 for visclient by  doxygen 1.5.1